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Getting Started


To install autolamella:

conda create -n fibsem python=3.9 pip
conda activate fibsem
pip install autolamella

This will also install the openfibsem dependency.

Alternatively, installing the napari plugin with pip or through the napari plugin manager, will install autolamella.

pip install napari-openfibsem

Microscope Configuration

Please see the OpenFIBSEM API Getting Started for details about configuring your microscope.


The protocol file defines everything about the workflow. This includes the method, machine learning parameters, workflow options, and the milling configurations.

We provide individual baseline protocols for each method:

  • autolamella-on-grid: protocol-on-grid.yaml
  • autolamella-waffle: protocol-waffle.yaml
  • autolamella-autoliftout: protocol-autoliftout-base.yaml
  • autolamella-serial-liftout: protocol-serial-liftout.yaml

It is recommended that you start with either the on-grid or waffle method in supervised mode to test everything is working correctly.

For details about the protocol options, please see Protocol Structure below. For details about milling configurations, please see the Milling API.

Running AutoLamella

Once you have configured your microscope, and have a protocol selected, you are ready to run AutoLamella.

To run autolamella:


To run the liftout methods (these will be merged into the main user interface eventually):


Or launch via napari plugin manager: Napari -> Plugins -> Napari OpenFIBSEM -> AutoLamella UI

User Guide

The following steps show the basic walkthrough for starting autolamella. The waffle method is used as an example.

For a detailed walkthrough on each method please see AutoLamella Walkthrough.

AutoLamella UI Start AutoLamella - Start Screen

AutoLamella UI Connect AutoLamella - Microscope Connected

AutoLamella UI Create Exp AutoLamella - Create Experiment

AutoLamella Name Exp AutoLamella - Name Experiment

AutoLamella Select Protocol AutoLamella - Select Protocol

AutoLamella Protocol UI AutoLamella - Protocol UI

AutoLamella - Ready to Start AutoLamella - Ready to Start

AutoLamella Add Lamella AutoLamella - Add Lamella

AutoLamella Trench Ready AutoLamella - Trench Ready

From here you can follow the instructions at the bottom right of the screen, and they will walk you through the workflow.

Protocol Structure

The following is the entire protocol structure for all methods. Each method uses a subset of the configuration listed here.

# protocol
    name: autolamella-waffle-mouse-scan-rotation-0deg                   # descriptive name of the protocol
    method: autolamella-waffle                                          # protocol method (see supported methods)
    ml-checkpoint:                       # machine learning checkpoint to use (see supported models)
    use_microexpansion: false                                           # mill the microexpansion patterns (stress relief)
    use_notch: true                                                     # mill the notch pattern (stress relief)
    alignment_attempts: 3.0                                             # the max number alignment repeat attempts
    alignment_at_milling_current: true                                  # whether to align at the milling or imaging current
    take_final_reference_images: true                                   # acquire reference images after final polishing
        enabled: false                                                  # acquire high quality (frame-integrated) images after final polishing
        dwell_time: 2.0e-6                                              # dwell time for hq
        resolution: [3072, 2048]                                        # resolution for hq
        hfw: 50.e-6                                                     # hfw for hq
        frame_integration: 2                                            # frame integration for hq
    take_final_overview_image: true                                     # acquire a low-magnification overview after final polishing
    compucentric_x_offset: 0.0e-6                                       # the fixed offset in x to apply after compucentric rotation 
    compucentric_y_offset: 0.0e-6                                       # the fixed offset in y to apply after compucentric rotation
    supervise:                                                          # enable supervision mode for indvidual stages
        landing: true
        liftout: true
        reset: true
        trench: true
        undercut: true
        setup_lamella: true
        mill_rough: true
        mill_regular: true
        mill_polishing: true
    batch_mode: true                                                    # batch trenching stages together
    confirm_next_stage: true                                            # confirm with the user before advancing to next stage
    undercut_required: False                                            # complete the undercut stage
    undercut_return_to_electron: True                                   # return flat to electron beam after undercut
    liftout_joining_method: None                                        # method to join the manipulator and lamella (autolamella-autoliftout only) [None, Weld]
    liftout_contact_detection: True                                     # use brightness based contact detection (autolamella-autoliftout only)
    liftout_contact_offset: 0.25e-6                                     # additional offset movement after contact (autolamella-autoliftout only)
    liftout_charge_neutralisation_iterations: 35                        # number of ion images to charge sample (autolamella-autoliftout-only)
    landing_joining_method: Weld                                        # method to join lamella and landing post (autolamella-autoliftout only) [Weld]
    landing_post_x_offset: 0.75e-6                                      # additional offset movement after contact (autolamella-autoliftout only)
    landing_charge_neutralisation_iterations: 100                       # number of electron images to discharge sample (autolamella-autoliftout only)
    trench_start_position: grid-01-lamella                             # the saved position to start selecting lamella positions 
    landing_start_position: grid-02-landing                             # the saved position to start selecting landing positions
    landing_grid:                                                       # the landing grid parameters (autolamella-serial-liftout only)
        x: 100.0e-6
        y: 400.0e-6
        rows: 4
        cols: 10
platinum:                                                               # platinum deposition parameters (optional)
    application_file: cryo_Pt_dep
    beam_current: 5.0e-11
    dwell_time: 1.0e-06
    gas: Pt dep
    position: Electron Default
    rate: 3.0e-10
    spot_size: 3.0e-06
        hfw: 0.0001
        length: 1.5e-05
        time: 30.0
        hfw: 3.0e-05
        length: 7.0e-06
        time: 30.0
milling:                                                                    # milling protocols for each stage (required for method)
    notch:                                                                  # notch (autolamella-waffle)
        application_file: autolamella
        cleaning_cross_section: false
        depth: 2.5e-06
        distance: 2.0e-06
        enabled: true
        flip: 0
        hfw: 80e-6
        hheight: 2.0e-07
        hwidth: 4.0e-06
        milling_current: 2.0e-09
        preset: 30 keV; 2.5 nA
        vheight: 2.0e-06
        vwidth: 2.0e-07
        type: WaffleNotch
    trench:                                                                 # trench: (autolamella-waffle, autolamella-autoliftout, autolamella-serial-liftout)
        application_file: autolamella
        cleaning_cross_section: false
        depth: 1.25e-06
        hfw: 0.00018
        lamella_height: 2.5e-05
        lamella_width: 2.2e-05
        milling_current: 7.6e-09
        offset: 0.0
        preset: 30 keV; 2.5 nA
        size_ratio: 2.0
        trench_height: 3.2e-05
        type: Trench
    undercut:                                                               # undercut: (autolamella-waffle, autolamella-autoliftout, autolamella-serial-liftout)
        application_file: autolamella
        cleaning_cross_section: false
        depth: 1.2e-06
        height: 16.0e-06
        hfw: 8.0e-05
        milling_current: 7.6e-09
        preset: 30 keV; 2.5 nA
        tilt_angle: -5.0
        tilt_angle_step: 2.0
        width: 22.0e-6
        type: Rectangle
    fiducial:                                                               # fiducial: (all)
        application_file: autolamella
        cleaning_cross_section: false
        depth: 1.5e-06
        enabled: true
        height: 1.0e-05
        hfw: 8.0e-05
        milling_current: 7.6e-09
        passes: null
        preset: 30 keV; 20 nA
        rotation: 45
        width: 1.0e-06
        type: Fiducial
    lamella:                                                                # lamella: (all)
        -   application_file: autolamella
            cleaning_cross_section: true
            depth: 2.0e-06
            hfw: 8.0e-05
            lamella_height: 5.0e-07
            lamella_width: 14.0e-6
            milling_current: 2.0e-09
            offset: 2.0e-06
            preset: 30 keV; 2.5 nA
            size_ratio: 1.0
            trench_height: 5.0e-06
            type: Trench
        -   application_file: autolamella
            cleaning_cross_section: true
            depth: 1.0e-06
            hfw: 8.0e-05
            lamella_height: 5.0e-07
            lamella_width: 1.4e-05
            milling_current: 7.4e-10
            offset: 5.0e-07
            preset: 30 keV; 1 nA
            size_ratio: 1.0
            trench_height: 2.0e-06
            type: Trench
        -   application_file: autolamella
            cleaning_cross_section: true
            depth: 4.0e-07
            hfw: 8.0e-05
            lamella_height: 4.5e-07
            lamella_width: 1.4e-05
            milling_current: 6.0e-11
            offset: 0.0
            preset: 30 keV; 50 pA
            size_ratio: 1.0
            trench_height: 6.0e-07
            type: Trench
    flatten:                                                                # flatten: (autolamella-autoliftout)
        cleaning_cross_section: 1.0
        depth: 1.0e-05
        height: 2.5e-05
        hfw: 8.0e-05
        milling_current: 2.8e-08
        rotation: 0.0
        scan_direction: LeftToRight
        width: 2.0e-06
        application_file: "autolamella"
        type: "Rectangle"
        preset: "30 keV; 20 nA"
    liftout-sever:                                                          # liftout-sever: (autolamella-serial-liftout)
        cleaning_cross_section: 0.0
        depth: 25.0e-06
        height: 5.0e-06
        hfw: 400.0e-6
        milling_current: 28.0e-09
        rotation: 0.0
        scan_direction: TopToBottom
        width: 50.0e-06
        application_file: "autolamella"
        type: "Rectangle"
        preset: "30 keV; 20 nA"
    liftout-weld:                                                          # liftout-weld: (autolamella-serial-liftout)
        height: 2.5e-6
        width: 0.5e-6
        depth: 4.0e-6
        pitch_horizontal: 0.25e-6
        n_columns: 10
        n_rows: 1
        pitch_vertical: 0.0e-6
        rotation: 0.0
        passes: 1.0
        milling_voltage: 30.0e+3
        milling_current: 300.0e-12
        hfw: 150.0e-6
        application_file: "autolamella"
        scan_direction: "BottomToTop"
        type: "ArrayPattern"
        preset: "30 keV; 2.5 nA"
    prepare-copper-weld:                                                           # prepare-copper-block-weld: (autolamella-serial-liftout)
        -   height: 2.5e-6
            width: 0.5e-6
            depth: 4.0e-6
            pitch_horizontal: 1.0e-6
            n_columns: 15
            n_rows: 1
            pitch_vertical: 0.0e-6
            rotation: 0.0
            passes: 1.0
            milling_voltage: 30.0e+3
            milling_current: 300.0e-12
            hfw: 150.0e-6
            application_file: "autolamella"
            scan_direction: "TopToBottom"
            type: "ArrayPattern"
            preset: "30 keV; 2.5 nA"
    landing-weld:                                                                 # weld: (autolamella-autoliftout, autolamella-serial-liftout)
        # left weld
        -   height: 0.5e-6
            width: 4.0e-6
            depth: 10.0e-6
            pitch_vertical: 0.25e-6
            n_rows: 5
            n_columns: 1
            pitch_horizontal: 0
            rotation: 0.0
            passes: 1.0
            milling_current: 300.0e-12
            milling_voltage: 1.0e-9
            hfw: 150.0e-6
            application_file: "autolamella"
            scan_direction: "RightToLeft"
            type: "ArrayPattern"
        # right weld
        -   height: 0.5e-6
            width: 4.0e-6
            depth: 10.0e-6
            pitch_vertical: 0.25e-6
            n_rows: 5
            n_columns: 1
            pitch_horizontal: 0
            rotation: 0.0
            passes: 1.0
            milling_current: 300.0e-12
            milling_voltage: 1.0e-9
            hfw: 150.0e-6
            application_file: "autolamella"
            scan_direction: "LeftToRight"
            type: "ArrayPattern"
    landing-sever:                                                          # landing-sever: (autolamella-serial-liftout)
        cleaning_cross_section: 0.0
        depth: 25.0e-06
        height: 1.0e-06
        hfw: 150.0e-6
        milling_current: 7.6e-09
        rotation: 0.0
        scan_direction: TopToBottom
        width: 50.0e-06
        application_file: "autolamella"
        type: "Rectangle"
        preset: "30 keV; 20 nA"