The example directory contains a few example code snippets to help you get started with OpenFIBSEM.
The scripts are setup to run on the simulated microscope (manufactuer="Demo") by default. You can run them on a real microscope by specifying the manufacturer and ip_address in setup_session. Please becareful and understand the code before running on a real microscope.
Before running these scripts, make sure you have installed openfibsem, the manufacturers api, and activated your environment.
To activate your environment
Basic Example
This basic example script demonstrates how to connect to the microscope (setup_session), and take an image with both beams. The images are then displayed with matplotlib.
To run the script:
from fibsem import utils, acquire
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('TkAgg', force=True) # Activate 'agg' backend for off-screen plotting.
def main():
# connect to microscope
microscope, settings = utils.setup_session(manufacturer="Demo", ip_address="localhost")
# take image with both beams
eb_image, ib_image = acquire.take_reference_images(microscope, settings.image)
# show images
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
ax[0].imshow(eb_image.data, cmap="gray")
ax[0].set_title("Electron Beam Image")
ax[1].imshow(ib_image.data, cmap="gray")
ax[1].set_title("Ion Beam Image")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The imaging example demonstrate how to take an image with both beams, and change the imaging settings.
To run the script:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from fibsem import acquire, utils
from fibsem.structures import BeamType
import logging
matplotlib.use('TkAgg', force=True) # Activate 'agg' backend for off-screen plotting.
This script will take an image with the electron beam, an image with the ion beam, and an image with both beams.
The images are then displayed in a matplotlib figure.
The settings for images are stored in the settings.image struct, and can be modified before taking an image.
For more detail on the settings, see the documentation for the ImageSettings class.
def main():
# connect to the microscope
microscope, settings = utils.setup_session(manufacturer="Demo", ip_address="localhost")
# info about ImageSettings
logging.info(f"\nAcquiring Images Example:")
logging.info(f"The current image settings are: \n{settings.image}")
# take an image with the electron beam
settings.image.beam_type = BeamType.ELECTRON
eb_image = acquire.new_image(microscope, settings.image)
# take an image with the ion beam
settings.image.beam_type = BeamType.ION
ib_image = acquire.new_image(microscope, settings.image)
# take an image with both beams with increased hfw
settings.image.hfw = 400e-6
ref_eb_image, ref_ib_image = acquire.take_reference_images(microscope, settings.image)
# show images
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 7))
ax[0][0].imshow(eb_image.data, cmap="gray")
ax[0][0].set_title("Electron Image 01")
ax[0][1].imshow(ib_image.data, cmap="gray")
ax[0][1].set_title("Ion Image 01")
ax[1][0].imshow(ref_eb_image.data, cmap="gray")
ax[1][0].set_title("Electron Image 02 (Reference)")
ax[1][1].imshow(ref_ib_image.data, cmap="gray")
ax[1][1].set_title("Ion Image 02 (Reference)")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The movement example
To run the script
from fibsem import utils
from fibsem.structures import FibsemStagePosition
import numpy as np
import logging
This script demonstrates how to get the current stage position, and how to move the stage to a new position.
The basic movement methods are absolute_move and relative_move.
- Relative move moves the stage by a certain amount in the current coordinate system.
- Absolute move moves the stage to a new position in the absolute coordinate system.
This script will move the stage by 20um in the x direction (relative move), and then move back to the original position (absolute move).
Additional movement methods are available in the core api:
- Stable Move: the stage moves along the sample plane, accounting for stage tilt, and shuttle pre-tilt
- Vertical Move: the stage moves vertically in the chamber, regardless of tilt orientation
def main():
# connect to microscope
microscope, settings = utils.setup_session(manufacturer="Demo", ip_address="localhost")
# info about ImageSettings
logging.info("---------------------------------- Current Position ----------------------------------\n")
# get current position
intial_position = microscope.get_stage_position()
logging.info(f"\nStage Movement Example:")
logging.info(f"Current stage position: {intial_position}")
logging.info("\n---------------------------------- Relative Movement ----------------------------------\n")
#### Moving to a relative position ####
relative_move = FibsemStagePosition(x=20e-6, # metres
y=0, # metres
z=0.0, # metres
r=np.deg2rad(0), # radians
t=np.deg2rad(0)) # radians
input(f"Press Enter to move by: {relative_move} (Relative)")
# move by relative position
current_position = microscope.get_stage_position()
logging.info(f"After move stage position: {current_position}")
logging.info("\n---------------------------------- Absolute Movement ----------------------------------\n")
#### Moving to an absolute position ####
stage_position = intial_position # move back to initial position
# uncomment this if you want to move to a different position
# be careful to define a safe position to move too
# relative_move = FibsemStagePosition(x=0, # metres
# y=0, # metres
# z=0.0, # metres
# r=np.deg2rad(0), # radians
# t=np.deg2rad(0)) # radians
input(f"Press Enter to move to: {stage_position} (Absolute)")
# move to absolute position
current_position = microscope.get_stage_position()
logging.info(f"After move stage position: {current_position}")
logging.info("---------------------------------- End Example ----------------------------------")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The milling example demonstrates how the define milling patterns, and run ion beam milling. Note: at the moment only ion beam milling is supported, we hope to add electron beam patterning in the future.
from fibsem import utils
from fibsem.structures import FibsemMillingSettings, FibsemRectangeSettings, FibsemLineSettings
from fibsem import milling
import logging
This script demonstrates how to use the milling module to mill a rectangle and two lines.
The script will:
- connect to the microscope
- setup milling
- draw a rectangle and two lines
- run milling
- finish milling (restore ion beam current)
def main():
# connect to microscope
microscope, settings = utils.setup_session(manufacturer="Demo", ip_address="localhost")
# rectangle pattern
rectangle_pattern = FibsemRectangeSettings(
width = 10.0e-6,
height = 10.0e-6,
depth = 2.0e-6,
rotation = 0.0,
center_x = 0.0,
center_y = 0.0,
# line pattern one
line_pattern_01 = FibsemLineSettings(
start_x = 0.0,
start_y = 0.0,
end_x = 10.0e-6,
end_y = 10.0e-6,
depth = 2.0e-6,
# line pattern two (mirror of line pattern one)
line_pattern_02 = line_pattern_01
line_pattern_02.end_y = -line_pattern_01.end_y
logging.info(f"""\nMilling Pattern Example:""")
logging.info(f"The current milling settings are: \n{settings.milling}")
logging.info(f"The current rectangle pattern is \n{rectangle_pattern}")
logging.info(f"The current line pattern one is \n{line_pattern_01}")
logging.info(f"The current line pattern two is \n{line_pattern_02}")
logging.info("---------------------------------- Milling ----------------------------------\n")
# setup patterns in a list
patterns = [rectangle_pattern, line_pattern_01, line_pattern_02]
# setup milling
milling.setup_milling(microscope, settings.milling)
# draw patterns
for pattern in patterns:
milling.draw_pattern(microscope, pattern)
# run milling
milling.run_milling(microscope, settings.milling.milling_current, milling_voltage=settings.milling.milling_voltage)
# finish milling
milling.finish_milling(microscope, microscope.system.ion.beam.beam_current)
if __name__ == "__main__":
The autolamella script is a minimal recreation of the original autolamella program in ~150 lines of code using OpenFIBSEM. For the original paper please see AutoLamella V1 Paper
To run the script:
import logging
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
import numpy as np
from fibsem import acquire, alignment, milling, patterning, utils
from fibsem.structures import BeamType, MicroscopeState, FibsemImage, FibsemStagePosition
class Lamella:
state: MicroscopeState
reference_image: FibsemImage
path: Path
def main():
PROTOCOL_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "protocol_autolamella.yaml")
microscope, settings = utils.setup_session(protocol_path=PROTOCOL_PATH)
# move to the milling angle
stage_position = FibsemStagePosition(
microscope.move_stage_absolute(stage_position) # do need a safe version?
# take a reference image
settings.image.filename = "grid_reference"
settings.image.beam_type = BeamType.ION
settings.image.hfw = 900e-6
settings.image.save = True
acquire.take_reference_images(microscope, settings.image)
# select positions
experiment: list[Lamella] = []
lamella_no = 1
settings.image.hfw = 80e-6
base_path = settings.image.path
while True:
response = input(f"""Move to the desired position.
Do you want to select another lamella? [y]/n {len(experiment)} selected so far.""")
# store lamella information
if response.lower() in ["", "y", "yes"]:
# set filepaths
path = os.path.join(base_path, f"{lamella_no:02d}")
settings.image.path = path
settings.image.filename = f"ref_lamella"
acquire.take_reference_images(microscope, settings.image)
lamella = Lamella(
reference_image=acquire.new_image(microscope, settings.image),
path = path
lamella_no += 1
# sanity check
if len(experiment) == 0:
logging.info(f"No lamella positions selected. Exiting.")
# mill (rough, thin, polish)
workflow_stages = ["rough", "thin", "polish"]
for stage_no, stage_name in enumerate(workflow_stages):
logging.info(f"Starting milling stage {stage_no}")
lamella: Lamella
for lamella_no, lamella in enumerate(experiment):
logging.info(f"Starting lamella {lamella_no:02d}")
# return to lamella
# realign
alignment.beam_shift_alignment(microscope, settings.image, lamella.reference_image)
if stage_no == 0:
microexpansion_stage = patterning.get_milling_stages("microexpansion", settings.protocol)
milling.mill_stage(microscope, microexpansion_stage[0])
# get trench milling pattern, and mill
trench_stage = patterning.get_milling_stages("lamella", settings.protocol)[stage_no]
milling.mill_stage(microscope, trench_stage)
# retake reference image
settings.image.path = lamella.path
settings.image.filename = f"ref_mill_stage_{stage_no:02d}"
lamella.reference_image = acquire.new_image(microscope, settings.image)
if stage_no == 3:
# take final reference images
settings.image.filename = f"ref_final"
acquire.take_reference_images(microscope, settings.image)
logging.info(f"Finished autolamella: {settings.protocol['name']}")
if __name__ == "__main__":